Ascend Logistics and Transportation LLC is a private organization providing innovative trucking and logistics services nationwide. We are a time of professional drivers with a strong safety record and support staff dedicated to delivering exceptional trucking and logistic services. We operate high-quality equipment, with a fleet of newer-model trucks. We understand that we are representing our shipper customers when we are making deliveries, and aim to consistently present a quality image that reflects well on our customers. Licensed, bonded and insured



Rich in diversity, talent and leadership; we have a team of professionals that share the same passion and entrepreneurship to be successful in this industry. We share a commitment to making



With a combined 50 years of experience in Logistics, Sales, Engineering and Management our team has the discipline to ensure that our logistics and transportation services are executed with the highest level of diligence, quality and excellence in service. We demand excellence from the top down, from our management team to our drivers to our partners. We work hard everyday to bring logistics solutions to our partners. Our goal is to have a continuous expanding ascension over the next decade. Ascend with us!